Dancing on the edge
Northern Ireland at Attakkalari India Biennial 2021
Belfast International Arts Festival (BIAF) is Northern Ireland’s leading international arts festival dedicated to contemporary performance, media and visual arts, and programming that cuts across traditional artform boundaries.
Helmed by artistic director and chief executive Richard Wakely, BIAF celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2022. In an exciting collaboration, BIAF presents a specially curated set of films for this edition of the Attakkalari India Biennial. What’s noteworthy is that it is for the first time that all the films are being shown outside of the UK and Ireland, and the first time they are being screened in India.
(Note: Due to music rights restrictions, screening is limited to audiences in India.)
Films were up for viewing till Mon, 7th Feb 2022.

About the films
30 Jan 2022 | 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m